Much has changed with the arrival of social media, such as interactions between people, the dissemination of information and the strategies of companies to advertise their products. Along with these new digital communication platforms, the content monetization; however, There are risks and unethical practices that you should be aware of.
What is content monetization?
Monetize, within the world of the Internet, consists of generate monetary income from specific actions or activities on websites or social platforms. These earnings will begin to be reflected every time a user views an ad, makes a click on a sponsored link, play a video for a certain amount of time, subscribe to a blog to obtain exclusive content, among others. However, these paid actions must be subject to appropriate strategies to generate truly useful income. In turn, it is worth mentioning that content monetization has the main objective of developing new sources of income and improving the profitability of a website or social profile.
Risks and vulnerability in social networks
Without a doubt, social networks make users more vulnerable given the ease with which they can be contacted and their personal information accessed, with Facebook being the platform most used by scammers. One of the most common practices on this social network is the recruitment of followers through massive groups, in order to monetize the content —especially the reproduction of videos— of pages created exclusively to generate income.
But, why do you want so many followers? Well, the answer is simple: One of the requirements that Facebook establishes in order to monetize the content of any page is to have at least 10,000 followers. However, The social network does not pay for the number of followers, but it is requires compliance with a whole series of nnorms and policies in this regard, which protect users from inauthentic interactions —like those of the very famous #FollowMeAndIFollowYou or the covert marketing of products and services through groups where sales are prohibited.
The reality is that the only ones who benefit They are the ones behind these massive recruitments, as they generate income thanks to each click made on their published links and the viewing of each of their videos, usually manipulating their followers with misleading messages and promises that go beyond what is possible - generally, they claim to have the keys to making a living off the already known "passive income."
Certainly There is no secret recipe to becoming rich in a short time., and that of generating passive income —that is, income that requires little or no effort to earn and maintain—is not so easy to achieve. On the other hand, your personal information can be compromised by being part of these fan pages.
Avoid scams and protect your personal information
To avoid misleading content and protect your personal information on Facebook, and on any social platform, follow these recommendations:
- Take your time before clicking and be wary of messages or posts that cause great surprise or curiosity. In these cases, common sense will be your best friend.
- Be wary of accounts that make you watch a video or direct you to an external website to win a prize or reveal the “best kept secret.”
It is important to keep these tips in mind and report any inappropriate use or behavior by users or social media pages.
Rules for monetization
For content to be monetized on Facebook, it must follow a series of essential rules:
- Facebook Community Standards. Rules regarding unsafe content that describe graphic violence, nudity, and hate speech.
- Partner monetization policies. They apply to the site and address general behavior, including rules for what content is created, how that content is shared, and how the site receives and makes online payments.
- Content monetization policies. These rules — against violent, sexual, criminal, graphic or offensive content — generally apply to content and include every video or post on the Page.
Failure to follow these rules or violate policies may result in monetization tools being disabled for specific content. Serious or repeated violations may even result in an entire account being prevented from accessing ads and other monetization tools. As such, it is recommended that you perform monetization status checks for all videos and content.
Do you have more questions about content monetization? Contact us and we will answer all your questions.