Yailin La Mas Viral's sister paralyzed the internet with a tight top – Terra Chile

Yailin The Most Viral She is the current wife of Puerto Rican singer Anuel AA. The Dominican artist announced a few days ago that she is pregnant and that they will both be parents to a girl. “I always told God to give me a family, but from a man that I would truly love. Thank you, my God, for giving me what I always asked for. I feel super happy, the happiest woman in the world,” she began saying a week ago.
“I don't know how to thank you for this happiness that I'm feeling right now, I have no words here, your daddy and I made you with a lot of love, we are waiting for your arrival, my chubby girl” she wrote. Yailin and thrilled his followers. A few days later, this past November 26, Anuel AA turned 30 years old.
“Happy birthday to my husband, I love you. May God always fill you with blessings for being the great human being that you are. I hope that this year is full of love, happiness and joy. I am happy to be with you this day. I am proud to share all these experiences with you. May all the best come to you in this new year.” These were the beautiful words she dedicated to him. Yailin.
For her part, her sister Kimberly She also captivates everyone on social media. “He who was born to be a scrubber never comes out of the sink” was the phrase she used to share a photo where she wore tight black latex pants and a white micro top. The influencer left her hair loose and added a black clutch.
The Instagram post surpassed 15,000 likes and 150 comments. “Very good phrase, there are people who frustration and envy do not allow them to progress..” and “How beautiful as always my kim blessings do not vote for me I am your faithful follower” were just some of the messages from the sister of Yailin.
The beautiful Mexican posed on the camera network and made everyone fall in love.
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