VIDEO: Yailin The Most Viral Perrea Even Pregnant And Seduces … – sdpnoticias

It is clear, Yailin The Most Viral, 20 years old, and Anuel AA, 30 years old, are enjoying the best stage of their relationship and how could it not be, if they are expecting their first baby.
Let us remember that more than a month ago, Yailin The Most Viral and Anuel AA They announced the singer's pregnancy and even revealed that they are expecting a girl, who will be named Cattleya.
Since then, Yailin The Most Viral and Anuel AA They don't separate, they go everywhere together and recently released a song together titled "Del kilo", which also features the collaboration of rapper Treintisiete.
As expected, the couple takes advantage of their social networks to promote their new material, so a few moments ago, through the Instagram stories of the Dominican-born, a video of Yailin La Más Viral twerking appeared.
That's right, despite having a large pregnant belly, Yailin La Más Viral started to dance for her husband, who very gratefully danced with her to her song “Del Kilo.”
A post shared by Yailin la Mas Viral ♋️🧿 (@yailinlamasviralreal)
The video is dividing opinions, with some fans applauding the couple's attitude and asking fans of Karol G, 31, not to comment, while others criticize.
“Even when she is pregnant she doesn't stop being ordinary”, “I don't know why she has to show her belly, we already know she is pregnant, there is no need”, “Even if she is pregnant she is not respected”, “Wait until Karol G sees this. She is not going to have dinner today”, reads the comments.
Showing that he doesn't care what people say, Yailin The Most Viral She warns that she will continue to show the process of her pregnancy as well as giving details of how she achieved it.
It turns out that the singer started a fertility treatment. Yailin The Most Viral She took “the bottle of light,” a liquid that helped her conceive the baby that she, as well as Anuel AA, wanted.
She therefore advises women who want to become mothers to resort to the product she is promoting today.
Yailin talks about her pregnancy treatment.


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