During 2022, Instagram Reached 2 Billion Monthly Active Users, which is a great milestone for this social network.
Still, the year was sweet and sour, as Adam Mosseri, director of Instagram, acknowledges in a video he uploaded to his Twitter account.
“At the beginning of the year I said that our priorities would be working on video, messaging, transparency and control, and helping creators make a living. We made progress on several of them and also had some false starts,” he says in the post.
Then he goes on to talk about the platform's plans for 2023, referring to his Identity and how to create value for users.
“What I think remains is bringing people together around the things they love,” he adds.
To do that, he explains, Instagram will focus on 3 things:
In another video, the manager announces that, starting in February, Navigation in the app will change, considering the home, searches, create, Reels and the profile. This means that the Shop tab will be removed, but users will be able to purchase in the Feed, Stories, Reels and ads.
“The idea is to simplify Instagram and focus on what we are trying to do, which is to bring people together around what they love”, Mosseri finally explains.
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