Ryan Reynolds will be the narrator of the nature documentary Underdogs that is preparing National Geographic for his television channel. It is a format that combines the usual images in animal documentaries with the sarcastic humor of the actor, who will treat the type of less showy creatures that are often ignored or overlooked in other proposals of this style.
“In Canada there is a species of badger that subsists solely on berry pie from the city of Saskatoon. Of course, that is a lie; but if it were true we would document it in “Underdog”, the actor wrote to reveal the spirit that the National Geographic documentary will have.
To promote your participation in Underdogs, Reynolds has posted a snippet on his Instagram profile where you can see a hippopotamus wagging its tail while bathing in a mud puddle; all of this at a very, very slow and rhythmic speed. In the background, the actor's voice poses a challenge to the viewers of the video. You can see it below:
A post shared by Ryan Reynolds (@vancityreynolds)
Were you able to overcome it? Reynolds encourages you to watch the hippo video without thinking that a fish is entering his anus. A mental image that, we fear, once installed in your brain is impossible to dissociate from the harmonious video clip accompanied by a soft jazz melody. At least we hope you weren't eating while reading this news on your mobile.
National Geographic plans to release Underdogs in 2025, which also leads to a series of jokes from Ryan Reynolds during the clip. “Don’t you know they built the Empire State Building in just one year?” he exclaims. “And Disneyland,” adds the voice of Blake Lively, his partner, whom the actor silences, reminding her that the narration voice-over has to be hers.
Maximum Effort, Ryan Reynolds and George Dewey's production company is also behind Underdogs. With 2025 as the release date, the documentary would arrive even after the expected third film of Deadpool, in which it will coincide with Hugh Jackman resuming the role of Wolverine, and will see The Merc with a Mouth join the MCU in 2024.
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