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Let us explain to you How to access the annual summary Replay 2022 of Apple Music, which is the alternative to Apple's music service Spotify Wrapped 2022This is a summary of all the data Apple Music has collected about your listening, and which it offers you in the last month of the year.
With this summary, you'll be able to find out things like the minutes you've spent listening to music, and your favorite artists, songs, and albums. All of these statistics are prepared to be shared with other users via instant messaging or social media, such as Instagram stories. You are also offered a playlist with your 100 most listened to songs of the year.
To access your annual summary, all you have to do is Open Apple Music and tap on the Replay 2022 banner that will appear to you. This banner will appear to you both in the mobile version of the application and in the desktop version for Mac, and it is a link to the Replay 2022 website.
Once you enter this page, click on the button Begin that will appear to you in it. When you do so, it will ask you Sign in with the Apple account you use for Apple Music so you can access visualizations with your data.
Once you log in to the Replay 2022 page, You will have two ways to view the content that Apple Music has prepared for you. You can simply scroll down the page to see all the complete statistics, or you can click on Play highlight reel to see the summary with the main data.
If you are browsing the Replay 2022 page You will see all the data perfectly presented. First you will see the number of songs listened to, with the list of the most listened to songs along with the number of plays for each one. And then you will see the same for the artists, albums, playlists and stations.
If you click on Play highlight reel, you will see a series of slides in story format. In these slides you will see a summary with all your data, including the total minutes listened to or the musical genres you have preferred in the last year.
You will be able to share both the web lists and the slides, they will always have a button to do so. If you decide to share them, you can do so through messaging apps or social networks, including Instagram stories. This will depend on the sharing interface on your device.
And finally, Apple will remind you that you have a playlist Replay 2022 with your 100 most favorite songs. This is actually a playlist that you've had for several years and that you've updated with your listening habits of the year, but it never hurts to be reminded that you have it and can listen to it or share it.
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