Karely Ruiz Instagram photo as Victoria Dorantes | Viral from … – Publimetro Mexico

Karely Ruiz (Special)
Karely Ruiz She is a Mexican model who has earned the attention of an entire country. His name is so popular that could not be left behind in this month of the homeland and turn on social media. The OnlyFans model used his account Instagram to share an image highly recognized by students.
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Yeah, as if it were a SEP book, the 21-year-old girl posed as Victoria Dorantes, woman known for appearing in primary level History textbooks. A follower took it upon himself to modify the painting and add Karely's face.
A post shared by Karely Ruiz (@karelyruiz)
In addition, They tried to recreate the body of the influencer. The image has less than 24 hours on social media and it has already gone viral in an unimaginable way. Some of the messages that can be read are: "Do you know the context of the scene?", or “This is how I go to school,” my son said.
Ruiz has more than seven million followers on his official Instagram account, too creates content for the short video platform, TikTok, where it has three million more fans. And for adults who want content more private and unique, can pay 16 dollars a month and be part of OnlyFans.
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