How to pin a post on Instagram

Once again the social network from Meta, Instagram, is inspired by features and characteristics of rival platforms and brings its users a new feature that allows set several Publications in the profile.
This option had already been anticipated by the expert developer in technology reverse Alessandro Paluzzi who, at the end of January, shared a screenshot showing this alternative included among the functions of Instagram.
After its testing phase, in which only a few selected users had access to the pin button, now anyone who browses this site can access it. social network will be able to pin posts that are of your preference with a series of simple steps.
For pin a post on instagram The first step is to corroborate that the app installed on your cellular is updated to the latest version. To do this, you can go to the Play Store or the App Stores, depending on your phone's operating system, and check that there are no updates to download.
Next, what you have to do is choose from your posts, no matter how old they are, some content that you want to always be visible at the top of your feed. profile.
The intention is to make it easier for users to display those posts that they believe should be featured.
After you have selected your content to pin, you must go to the menu that the platform allows you to display in each of your publications. This is represented by three dots in the upper right corner of each of the posts.

If you want to reverse the action, simply repeat the previous steps, but this time selecting the opposite action, that is, “Unpin from your profile”.

One thing that stands out about this feature is that, unlike Twitter, which only allows you to pin a single tweet, Instagram allows the user to set up to a limit of 3 posts.
The pinned posts They will be displayed with a pin symbol and will allow for greater exposure and interaction, according to the social network.
It should be noted that every time the option is used “Pin to profile”, the selected photo will change its original position in the profile gallery, altering the feed that was maintained according to the publication date.
The announcement of this new feature was made on June 7 of this year through the account of Instagram on Twitter, where several users responded enthusiastically, and others not so much, as they criticized the similarity of this update with the social network TikTok.

The option of “Pin to your profile” represents a major shift in the dynamics of Instagram, as it opens up the possibility for the user to give greater exposure to their best publications and in this way create a follower base according to the content in which they specialize.
It will also allow influencers and content creators can pin their promoted posts and publications that call for new collaborations.

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