How to download videos from Twitter, Facebook or Instagram – infobae

Infobae brings a guide to know how to download videos of Twitter, Facebook either Instagram in the form free.
On Twitter
There is an application in Google Play Store call Download Twitter Videos either TweetSave in App Store, that allow you to download videos from the social network now owned by Elon Musk.
To download the content, follow these steps:
1. On Twitter, below the video you want to download, click the share icon.
2. Choose 'Share Tweet via'.
3. Select 'Download the Twitter video app'.
4. Click on the download icon.
5. Select one resolution for the video. And that's it.
How to download a video from Facebook
In Android and iOS is called Download videos from Facebook. All you need to do is download the app, open it, paste the content link in the top margin, and then press the download icon.
On the other hand, it is also possible to use a web. Infobae recommends the platform FDOWNTo do it correctly, just follow these steps:
1. Copy the URL from the Facebook video.
2. Where it says “Enter Facebook Vido Link…”, paste the copied URL.
3. Press on 'Discharge'.
4. Choose one of the quality options that are displayed on the page and that's it. The download can be saved anywhere on the computer or, if you have Android, on the gallery. On the other hand, on iPhone it will be saved in Archives.
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How to download a video from Instagram
The platform is called Download Instagram Videos. You just need to paste the link of the content you want to download and then paste it in the top margin of the app, to finally choose the download option.
You can also use a website called Save InstaIt should be noted that the platform also allows you to download photos from your feed or profile. All the available options are located at the top, divided into tabs: Photo, Reels, Video, History and Profile.
Depending on what type of video post it is, you have to choose an option. Now, you have to follow these steps:
1. Put the bottom part URL of the video you want to download. To get the URL you must go to the post on Instagram, select the three vertical points which are located in the corner and select 'Link' either 'Copy link'.
2. After placing the link on the online site, the following will appear: download option. The user now needs to tap on this button to start the process.
3. Once the video download is complete, it can be found in the video folder of the cellular or of the computer.
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