Andrea Valdiri became one of the most talked about content creators on digital platforms, due to her funny videos, the controversies she starred in with other celebrities and the disputes she had with content creators such as Yina Calderón and Epa Colombia. The dancer embodied the personality she has, showing that she had no problem facing controversies and what was said about her.
For her part, the Barranquilla native usually publishes content in the company of her employees, showing the closeness and support she provides to them, Although there is no shortage of jokes, sometimes somewhat heavy, and the scares that the 'influencer' usually gives to her payroll of employees in order to make them laugh..
Well, recently, the content creator shared a video on her Instagram account where she was 'a victim of her own invention'; they decided to take "revenge", in the good sense of the word, and scare Valdiri in an area of the house.
“Oh my god, when they give you your own medicine”, wrote the dancer, while she made clear the great scare she had while her collaborators laughed out loud.
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Business is business and no matter what its nature or the age of those involved, when someone agrees to pay for a service they should do so, especially when it is provided efficiently and completely. as did Isabella, the daughter of Andrea Valdiri, who agreed on a specific deal with her employee one day during a family meeting and that triggered a collection of several days by the minor from Barranquilla.
The fact was shown by Andrea herself in her Instagram stories, in which she made the girl herself tell what she agreed with her employee and Why the fuss about money to settle the bills after doing the work that had to be done, which for many is daily, but for the young woman it was a job that she did and for which he should be compensated as agreed.
“Let’s tell the story of what the business is,” says the dancer backstage, showing her eldest daughter and her employee. Then Isabela tells the whole story and makes it clear that she did fulfill her promise. “I washed his dishes when we were eating with everyone, I washed all his dishes… I washed two pots for 10,000 pesos”, declared the young woman, and then gave the floor to the employee, who assured that she owed her $ 5,000 and collected it until she was tired.
“About two weeks ago I told her to wait for the two weeks because, well,” says the Valdiri employee when the dancer asked her how long Isabella had been after her charging her for the money for washing dishes. “There is business in this house for everyone, yes gentlemen,” says Valdiri as he shows his daughter counting a huge wad of bills of all denominations., money earned washing dishes and “taking away the poor people’s tickets there,” as the Barranquilla native said with laughter in her videos.
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“You see Claudia, that's what you get for doing business with Isabella, there you have it, she's charging you for even mopping up”, Andrea tells her employee, almost speechless with laughter, surprised by the situation and by how smart her daughter is, since she is not even 15 years old and is already a “bee” in business, earning her money by the sweat of her brow in her own home.
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