Florida: A five-meter python was found dead; what was found in its stomach went viral – Semana Magazine

Snakes in the state of Florida, United States, are always the talk of the town; on this occasion, a huge python measuring five metres long went viral after it was found lifeless with a large lump inside its body.
This is a Burmese python, considered an invasive species and found in the Everglades. A geoscientist and model named Rosie Moore, 26 years old, shared through her social networks some shocking images of the autopsy performed on the specimen.
“The Burmese python (Python molurus bivittatus) is one of the largest snakes in the world (up to 20 feet) (…) This python was euthanized by its finders and handed over to a research lab for necropsy and scientific sample collection. That process is shown in this video."Moore said via her Instagram account.
In the video you can see how the experts open the animal's stomach to see what was inside, when they realize that It is a large alligator and the python's body was trying to digest before its death..
Rosie Moore told the Daily Mail who were able to carry out the exploration with the python after receiving a call in which the discovery of a dead specimen with a large protuberance was reported.
They called us and said there was a large object in it, we thought it was a deer or an alligator", the expert said.
A post shared by Rosie Moore (@rosiekmoore)
For the geoscientist, it was shocking to see such a large animal inside another animal, so she said that, despite having experience studying animals inside, she had never seen anything like it.
Moore said she posted the video for fun and never imagined it would go viral. The scientist and model will find it very difficult to solve the problem of invasive species in Florida, a situation that puts the future of native animals at risk.
Besides, Rosie Moore combines her passion for science with modeling, an activity that she enjoys doing and with which she seeks to break stereotypes about the combination of beauty and intelligence.
A post shared by Rosie Moore (@rosiekmoore)
Australia is one of the areas of the world with an abundant variety of flora and fauna, where the inhabitants must live closely with the species. For this reason, A woman in Buderim got a surprise after entering the kitchen of her house and realizing that she was not alone.
The woman was trying to find an explanation for the strange movements of her microwave oven, when she decided to approach it to find out what was happening, found two python-type snakes in the process of mating.
The shocked woman had to call Stuart McKenzie from Sunshine Coast Snake Catchers 24/7, an expert in handling venomous snakes, to get her out of the predicament she found herself in.
The species were identified as two pythons Morelia spilota, commonly known as carpet python or diamondback python, are large species that live in areas of Australia, Indonesia and New Guinea.
We were able to get there very quickly and relocate the two lovebirds back to the mount where they belong.", the group of experts expressed in their publication on social networks about the case.
Fortunately, the situation was handled appropriately. On the one hand, the woman was able to continue carrying out her activities normally and the snakes were relocated to a suitable place.
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