This Friday, through the cultural initiative 'Excéntrico', the municipal programme Logroño Comunitario is promoting the joint reconstruction of a timeline of the western part of the city with the compilation of the collective history of the neighbourhood's residents.
This third action promoted by Excéntrico will take place on Friday, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m., in the Parque de la Cometa. Associations, services, educational centers, homes for the elderly and different groups in the area will collaborate in the collective construction of the history of this area of the city, based on the episodes and memories of the neighborhood about the events that marked a before or after in the life of the neighborhood.
The event will begin with a welcome and at 5:15 p.m. a chocolate tasting will be offered by the El Cubo Youth Center, to warm up the participants and generate an open atmosphere of collaboration.
A central panel installed in the park will collect contributions from those events, happenings and moments experienced that were milestones in the neighborhood. To encourage participation, between 5:30 and 6:45 p.m., associations related to the neighborhood will carry out dynamics and games to stimulate memory on specific topics.
Students from IES Batalla de Clavijo will tour the square and collect contributions from residents, as well as from nearby businesses, and the El Desván play centre and the Red Cross will propose a trellis of wishes from the area for all audiences.
Music will also be present in this community action, with the participation of the choir of the Centro de Participación de Mayores Zona Oeste and the rap of the Reyes del Anfi, which emerged from the Municipal Project for Intervention with Minors Zona Oeste. Together they will entertain the older and younger public in the square.
The Pakistani Association of La Rioja will also collaborate in this initiative by making henna drawings, and the COLOR Association will provide a gastronomic note with a tasting of Colombian empanadas.
The event will conclude at around 6:45 p.m. with an act of active listening, in which attendees will have an open microphone to share the emotions and sensations experienced during the day, the final touch of which will once again be the rap of Los reyes del Anfi.
The collective development of the neighborhood's timeline is the first step to generate links that will contribute to creating spaces for community participation, where identity, a sense of belonging, challenges and opportunities can be provided for this popular area of the city.
In addition to the aforementioned associations, the AMPA CEIP Vicente Ochoa, the ZOCO commercial association, Caixa Proinfancia, the CEIP Milenario de la Lengua, the Gonzalo de Berceo Health Centre, the Fontanillas Social Services Centre, Enzigzag, the Federation of Neighbourhood Associations of La Rioja, the Active Participation Centre for Senior Citizens in the Western Zone, the IES Escultor Daniel, the Al-Huda Mosque, Rioja Acoge and the Siempre Acompañados project also participated in the organisation of the activity.
'Community Logrono'
Logroño Comunitario is a project promoted by the City Council that gives the community a leading role in identifying the problems and potential of the neighbourhoods together. One of its objectives is to get professionals and citizens to collaborate in improving them, going beyond the professional-user relationship, as well as encouraging professionals from different sectors to work together.
It also aims to activate spaces for coexistence on issues of common interest, in which the diverse citizens can organize themselves and propose actions that improve the community; and to promote the creation of community meetings where technical resources (Social Services, Education, Health, Participation, Culture, Urban Planning...), citizens (associations, individuals) and the institutions themselves (City Hall, Government of La Rioja, University...) meet.
To promote the Logroño Comunitario strategy, the City Council has a technical team made up of five professionals specialised in this methodological approach and with extensive experience in community processes. In addition, to bring this strategy closer, the web platform has been created, as well as different profiles on social networks: @LO_Comunitario on Twitter and Instagram and Logrocomun on Facebook.
Eccentric: Out of Focus Community Culture Initiative
To encourage initial contact in the neighbourhoods and facilitate relationships, 'Logroño Comunitario' has designed Excéntrico, as a first initiative to promote community culture and create spaces for relationships in each neighbourhood.
'Excéntrico' aims to activate opportunities for community participation that value the neighbourhood, the outskirts, the unusual, community culture as an unusual element, as opposed to normality. It is about promoting open proposals, preferably in public spaces, that favour the participation of diverse citizens, while bringing out new resources, problems and strengths of the neighbourhoods in which the Logroño Comunitario strategy intervenes.
This first edition of 'Excéntrico' proposes a total of four initiatives, one in each neighbourhood, which are held every Friday for four consecutive weeks, from 15 October to 4 November. These activities also have the collaboration of the “la Caixa” Foundation.
The first session was held last Saturday, the 15th, in the San José and Madre de Dios neighborhoods under the title 'A Neighborhood of Stories'; the second action took place in the Plaza Primero de Mayo with the broadcast of the community radio program live.
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