Jorge Pérez is committed to winning Alicia back after his affair with Alba Carrillo.
The Vanguard
Alicia Peña, the wife of the former contestant of Survivors 2020 Jorge Perez, has broken her silence to talk about the controversial approach her husband had with Alba Carrillo at the Unicorn Christmas party, the production company responsible for programs such as Party, Ana Rosa's program either It's already noonAlicia also wanted to have a say in this whole mess and posted a story on Instagram about Jorge Pérez's alleged infidelity.
Jorge Perez, winner of Survivors 2020, and television collaborator Alba Carrillo have become the stars of these days on Telecinco. According to the images they published on Fiesta, the program presented by Emma García, the Ya es mediodía commentator has been unfaithful to his wife with Alba Carrillo during the Unicorn TV party.
Jorge Pérez came on live, indignant.
Emma García's show has broadcast a video in which Jorge Pérez and Alba Carrillo can be seen kissing passionately. After this moment was made public, the former civil guard has come out to publicly apologize to his wife for the mistake he made.
Hours after the infidelity became known, Alicia Peña, Pérez's wife, spoke out on her social networks. “Thank you so much for all the messages. I have read them all and the love I feel in them is very beautiful,” Alicia Peña wrote in the stories on her Instagram account.
Alba Carrillo and Jorge Pérez have always maintained a close friendship.
In her own words, Alicia feels very lucky for the support she is receiving, and she has announced that when she is ready she will tell her followers everything she is feeling right now after this unexpected infidelity. “You each deserve an answer, but it is impossible. So I will give you all an answer here, with my truth about what I feel, as soon as I gain some strength. Thank you from the bottom of my heart,” Alicia Peña explained on Instagram.
Alicia Peña speaks out on Instagram
These words come after her husband showed his regret in Party“It is totally false that my marriage was going through a crisis. I know that I made a mistake and I will accept the consequences. I can say it louder, but not clearer. It breaks my understanding that someone could benefit from something like that. Until that day when I made that serious mistake because of that flirtation, my marriage was excellent,” the model said.
Likewise, Jorge Pérez has exploded on Instagram when he saw that the comments about his affair with Alba Carrillo did not stop despite his public explanation. “This is going to be the last time I am going to speak out on this matter: I have made many mistakes in my life, but undoubtedly none as painful as what happened, I should have known how to stop, or leave, in the face of a situation that should never have happened, but I continue to stand firm in declaring the nonexistence of a kiss, beyond the approach or contact due to the situation of staying in a place with the music too loud,” the model and former civil guard wrote in the publication.
“I should never have allowed the mischievous or playful complicity that we showed on television to spill over into the screen, giving rise to a dangerous game in which, without anything having happened, we have been burned. I have accepted my mistake, I have acknowledged my guilt, I have asked for forgiveness, I have listened to opinions, assumed, deduced, imagined… I have respected everyone's opinions, but there comes a time when you have to say enough,” Jorge Pérez continued in a statement in which he wanted to nip the matter in the bud and thus have time to fix what happened with his wife Alicia Peña.
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