7 trends in the audiovisual digital ecosystem in 2023 – Marketing 4 eCommerce

The audiovisual digital ecosystem is constantly evolving, and 2023 will be no exception. With the rise in online content consumption and the popularity of streaming platforms, trends in the production, distribution and consumption of audiovisual content are changing rapidly.
For the preparation of this article, our friends at Labelium Play, expert unit in the audiovisual ecosystem of the consultancy Labelium, have helped us compile a series of the most important trends in the audiovisual digital ecosystem for the year 2023 and how these trends will affect the industry as a whole.
Digital Out Of Home (DOOH) advertising is presented as the great stimulus of this year within the Marketing MixSome of the benefits it presents are the use of data recorded in real time (for immediate optimization of campaigns) and tactical management (to evolve from Brand Lift goals to Brandformance approaches oriented to measurable results in terms of conversion).
The platform that will set the pace in 2023 in the Social field will be TikTok. Generation Z has adopted it as their go-to search engine, to the detriment of Google, to consult information about new products and services. Not to mention that several platforms are betting on Social Shopping, testing a content feed similar to TikTok's.
The arrival of TikTok, Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts has meant that videos that are less than two minutes long have more views than those that are longer. Therefore, reducing these views becomes a priority for 2023, providing information in a shorter and more direct way.
The prospect of inserting advertising into new placements (such as Netflix and Disney+), alongside those already available on Connected TV, provides brands with a good opportunity to expand their reach, reaching previously inaccessible audiences.
In 2023, the Metaverse will take on a more realistic perspective, aimed at the progressive virtualisation of activities. These tools will be useful, for example, to check how a piece of clothing looks without trying it on, or to project how a piece of furniture would fit into the home decor.
Automation and artificial intelligence (AI) will play a key role in 2023, mainly due to the opportunities it offers for content personalization and segmentation of the target audience.
The commitment to sustainability permeates all levels of the business world, and online audiovisual advertising cannot lose sight of trends such as that of the community of thrifters On TikTok, responsible consumption, recycling and choosing eco-friendly materials are key. Sustainability will also affect the management of digital resources, optimising the size and weight of campaign assets, as well as the use of local or cloud storage space.
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