Mother's Day ideas to increase your sales with campaigns and raffles

This Friday, May 10th is Mother's Day. 

A date special what is perfect for connecting with your audience and you should celebrate this beautiful moment with them through social media. The big question that floods many businesses at this time is:  How do I take advantage of such an important date to increase my sales? 

The important thing is to remember that you are not the center of attention at least not today, so If you consider that with a campaign focused on sales you will get to gain followers, generate engagement and get Expanding your database I assure you will not work. 

But today I am not here to preach to you, but to help you with practical ideas to increase your sales without your customers noticing.

Remind your clients of this special day, especially the sons and daughters, who can give a nice gift or detail to their mother to thank her for her love, dedication and unconditional help. 
How? Can't you think of any ideas to liven up your social media for Mother's Day? Lead Marketing  We tell you, take note, below we tell you what the better dynamics and ideas for mother's day.


Idea 1. Mother and children photo contest

The sentimental part plays a very important role in the celebration of the Mother's Day, and the photos easily express this emotional character. That's why Photo contests They are usually the star promotion for that day. Propose one to your clients and followers to participate uploading a picture of them with their mothers, or them with their children. You can ask for it to be one specific theme, like a funny photo, or by niche markets wearing their best outfit, doing an activity, etc. Still, It should always be something easy to get so as not to lose the opportunity for the user to participate, if possible, something common that the participant probably already has in his gallery from mobile photos, in the cloud or in the photo repository on the computer from which you connect.

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