Instamessenger? Instagram and text statuses, just like Messenger :o

Instagram has activated the feature for some users text statuses, with which you can indicate what you are doing at that moment or anything else you fancy. It is similar to the WhatsApp info or, going further back, to the statuses of MSN Messenger and similar applications.

These states allow you to use emojis and text up to 32 characters to let your followers know what you're doing at the moment, how you feel, or whatever you feel like. Only friends who follow you and you follow them can also see the statuses you've posted.

those times when the states how

Absent, do not disturb, busy… they were present

How do “text statuses” work?

Text statuses aren't hard to get your hands on, they actually work similarly to stories. What we mean by that is that followers won't be notified when you leave a note, but they'll be able to see it for 24 hours on your profile or in the messages section.

Within these notes we can write whatever we want, from moods to pending tasks. As long as we don't exceed 60 characters (32 in some countries) we can share anything with our followers. 

The only thing we should keep in mind is that this function only allows text and emojis, so if we want to publish images or sound it is best to use traditional stories. 

A couple of years ago, messaging apps only allowed you to set predefined statuses like “work,” “busy,” or “celebrating.” Instagram wants to take that idea of text statuses back but make it much more interactive. That’s why it also allows followers to reply to those text statuses, something MSN Messenger never did.

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